Global Medicines Program

January 23, 2014

Joseph Babigumira receives award from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

The Global Medicines Program congratulates its newest faculty member, Assistant Professor Joseph Babigumira, MBChB, MS, PhD, on his $96,000 award from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation through the Institute of International Education (IIE). The award is to support follow up work from his dissertation research, which examined the costs of induced abortion and potential cost-effectiveness of increased contraceptive coverage in Uganda, “Estimating the Costs of Induced Abortion in Uganda:  A Model-Based Analysis.”  BMC Public Health (in press).

The follow up work will examine the impact of abortion complications on health-related quality of life, health outcomes, and economic outcomes of women.  This research will aim to contribute to the literature on the impact of unsafe abortions which continue to be a major public health problem in many low-income countries.