Global Medicines Program

January 23, 2014

Vietnam: Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems Technical Assistance and Training Activity

Andy Stergachis conducting an active surveillance workshop in Vietnam

Andy Stergachis conducting an active surveillance workshop in Vietnam

Andy Stergachis and Jude Nwokike of Management Sciences for Health (MSH) participated in a training workshop in Hanoi from September 14-15, 2011 on sentinel site-based active surveillance pharmacovigilance for antiretorviral therapy (ART) in Vietnam.  Topics covered in the workshop included an introduction to the activity, review of the protocol, systems and stakeholders roles and responsibilities, and the tools for the active surveillance activity.

Opening remarks and presentations were made by representatives of the Hanoi University of Pharmacy, Vietnam Authority for HIV/AIDS Control, National Drug Information & Adverse Drug Reaction Centre, University of Washington, and MSH.  Hands-on, practical training was provided on the Sentinel Site-based Active Surveillance tool.  Workshop attendees included representatives from the ART health care facilities that will implement this pharmacovigilance activity.