Global Medicines Program

January 23, 2014

Strengthening ART pharmacovigilance in Karnataka, India

 Dr. Andy Stergachis presenting during the stakeholders’ meeting, Bangalore, India.

Dr. Andy Stergachis presenting during the stakeholders’ meeting, Bangalore, India.

Andy Stergachis participated in a technical assistance activity and workshop hosted by the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Management Program (SPS) of Management Sciences for Health (MSH), and Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS) to identify and initiate strategies for strengthening antiretroviral therapy (ART) program pharmacovigilance activities in the State of Karnataka, India. On July 15, 2011, SPS and KSAPS presented a draft protocol and operational plan for active surveillance pharmacovigilance to stakeholders for comment at a workshop held in Bangalore. Although focused on Karnataka, the pharmacovigilance activity is intended to also benefit the National AIDS Control Organization and the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India for Assuring Drug Safety by contributing a methodology for active surveillance within public health programs and for ART centers in other Indian states.

Present at the workshop: Dr Gurumurthy Parthasarathi, Professor and Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, JSS College of Pharmacy and JSS Medical College Hospital, Mr. Jude Nwokike, Senior Technical Manager, Management Sciences for Health-SPS and Dr. Andy Stergachis, Professor of Epidemiology and Global Health, University of Washington.