Global Medicines Program Course offering Spring Quarter 2013 UW Seattle
PHARM 582/GH 590 – Special Topics in Global Health Pharmacy 
Tuesdays from 2:30pm-5:20pm, Health Sciences Building T-498
This course, offered in three segments, provides in-depth instruction on selected special topics relating to the use, access to, cost-effectiveness and impact of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and diagnostics/medical devices in resource-limited settings.
PHARM 582-A/GH 590-I (1 Credit) – Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of Medical Interventions in Resource-Poor Settings: Principles and Practice
Joseph Babigumira, MBChB, PhD
April 2, April 9, April 16
Understand the principles and practices of health economic evaluation, in general, and cost-effectiveness analysis, in particular, as applied to pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, devices, and health programs and policies in resource-limited country setting.
PHARM 582B-P/GH 590J (1 Credit) – Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Issues in Resource-Poor Settings
Andy Stergachis, PhD, RPh & Thomas Brewer, MD, FACP
April 23, April 30, May 7
Describe the issues and the challenges in the conduct of pharmacovigilance in resource-limited settings. Learn how pharmacovigilance methodologies and risk management strategies can be used to improve medication safety in resource-limited settings.
PHARM 582-C/GH 590-K (1 Credit) – Pharmacy Practice in Resource-Limited Settings
Don Downing, RPh
May 14, May 21, May 28
Pharmacy care services in resource-limited settings will be explored with emphasis on the scope of non-dispensing services of pharmacists, pharmacy staff and other trained community members as a means of improving community access to needed pharmacy services and products.
For more information see the attached flyer.