Global Medicines Program

June 30, 2014

Don Downing and UW pharmacy students lead medical brigade in Nicaragua

Clinical Professor, Don Downing, along with 40 UW Pharmacy students, 2 Seattle physicians, 2 additional Seattle pharmacists, and a physical therapist came together to provide global medical care in the remote village of Namanji, Nicaragua, from June 16th through June 22nd 2014. Supported by Seattle-based Global Brigades, these self-funded students and providers provided care to almost 900 patients – many…

June 4, 2014

New Report on the Role of Pharmaceutical Care

Enhancing Health Outcomes for Chronic Diseases in Resource-Limited Settings by Improving the Use of Medicines: The Role of Pharmaceutical Care In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), health systems have historically focused on the prevention and treatment of highly prevalent and frequently fatal acute infectious illnesses such as malaria, diarrhea, and respiratory infections. However, due to…

February 18, 2014

Drug and Vaccine Safety in Global Health

A new report on drug and vaccine safety in global health, co-authored by Thomas Bollyky, Senior Fellow, Council for Foreign Relations, and Andy Stergachis, is now available. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, this report is the product of the Safety Surveillance Working Group, a year-long initiative to develop a practical, scalable strategy…

February 12, 2014

Impact Evaluation of a Pharmacy Assistant Training Program in Malawi

The Global Medicines Program has been awarded a three-year grant from the Barr Foundation to evaluate a pharmacy assistant (PA) training program in Malawi. Joseph Babigumira will lead the study to evaluate the potential impact of the training program on morbidity and mortality due to illnesses that are the highest contributors to mortality among children under five…

January 24, 2014

Joseph Babigumira presented at the CFAR New Faces Seminar

“Willingness to Pay for Male Circumcision in Uganda” January 9, 2014 – 3:25pm to 3:50pm Location:  Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Ave N, Seattle, Sze Conference Room He has performed studies of the status of health technology assessment in low-income countries, the cost-effectiveness and scale-up of effective health interventions such as rapid diagnostic…

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