Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services Program (SIAPS)
The Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) will build on the achievements of the its predecessor the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) Program by working to assure the availability of quality pharmaceutical products and effective pharmaceutical services to achieve desired health outcomes.
The program will promote and use a systems-strengthening approach consistent with the Global Health Initiative (GHI) that will result in an improved and sustainable health impact. SIAPS’ approach emphasizes GHI principles, especially improving metrics, monitoring, and evaluation; empowering local governments and organizations; and increasing country ownership.
Toward this end, the SIAPS framework and result areas reflect the dynamic relationships among five health systems building blocks, with a pharmaceutical product overlay that guides technical content. The specific SIAPS results areas include—
- Strengthening pharmaceutical sector governance
- Building individual, organizational, and institutional capacity for pharmaceutical supply management and services
- Addressing the information for decision-making challenge in the pharmaceutical sector
- Strengthening financing strategies and mechanisms to improve access to medicines
- Improving pharmaceutical services to achieve desired health outcomes
The University of Washington Global Medicines Program is one of SIAPS’ core partners and aims to contribute to the overall SIAPS goals in the following manner:
- Technical assistance in the areas of pharmacoepidemiology, pharmaceutical care, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomics, product quality control and assurance.
- Business plan development for providers of pharmaceutical services.
- Global pharmaceutical outcomes research and policy.
- Cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis for technology assessment, adoption.
- Task-shifting and training related to pharmaceutical systems management and pharmaceutical service delivery.
SIAPS’ core partner team also includes the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Harvard School of Public Health, Logistics Management Institute. In addition to these core partners, MSH is joined by a select group of organizations who will serve as specialized resource partners for SIAPS. They include the African Medical and Research Foundation, Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network,Results for Development, RTT Group, VilliageReach, and William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan.
View the latest SIAPS Brochure detailing the program goals and objectives.