January 23, 2014
Global Medicines Program affiliated trainees at IAS 2011, Rome Italy, July 2011
The following two abstracts were included at the 6th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) in Rome Italy in July 2011. Catherine Corbell, PhD, is a 2011 PhD graduate of the UW Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research and Policy Program and Barrot Lambdin, PhD, is a 2010 graduate of the UW Epidemiology Program….
Strengthening ART pharmacovigilance in Karnataka, India
Andy Stergachis participated in a technical assistance activity and workshop hosted by the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Management Program (SPS) of Management Sciences for Health (MSH), and Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society (KSAPS) to identify and initiate strategies for strengthening antiretroviral therapy (ART) program pharmacovigilance activities in the State of Karnataka, India. On July 15, 2011, SPS…
Risk of Anemia Associated with Zidovudine (AZT)-based HAART in Namibia
Assegid Tassew Mengistu1, Ishmael Katjitae1, Catherine Corbell3, Johannes Gaeseb1, Jennie Lates1, Evans Sagwa2, David Mabirizi2, Jude Nwokike2, Francis Kalemeera1, Andy Stergachis3 1Ministry of Health and Social Services; 2Management Sciences for Health/ Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems; 3University of Washington Abstract #922 HIV/AIDS and TB. Keywords: Anemia, zidovudine, pharmacovigilance, Namibia, antiretroviral therapy Problem Statement: Anemia among AZT-based antiretroviral therapy…
January 22, 2014
Workshop on Health Technology Assessment Policy Formation and Implementation—Second Generation National Health Insurance Reform in Taiwan
Lou Garrison in Taiwan as part of the Workshop on Health Technology Assessment Policy Formation and Implementation. Taiwan is in the midst of its “second generation” national health reform, having made a revolutionary shift to a single-payer system in 1995. Despite spending only about 6.2% of GDP on health care, like all other health care systems,…
Global Medicines participates in the Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium 4th Annual Meeting
June 1-3, 2011 found Andy Stergachis and Becky Bartlein in Maputo, Mozambique for the 4th Malaria in Pregnancy Consortium (MiPc) annual meeting. The MiP Consortium is a global research initiative of 47 research institutions, led by the Secretariat based at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. MiPc is conducting a six year program of research to…
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